郵政研究所ディスカッションペーパー・シリーズ 1998-15


横浜市立大学商学部 松浦 克己
神戸大学経済学部 竹澤 康子※※



What is the Factor Changing the Official Discount Rate of BOJ ?

Yokohama City University
Katsumi Matsuura
Kobe University
Yasuko Takezawa

The Official discount rate policy attracts public attention. Recentyears, have recognized the importance of combining official discount rate policy with role of the lender of last resort.
In our considering that BOJ's objective are the stabilization of prices, business conditions, exchange rate and stock prices, we have analyzed the reasons for the official discount rate changes witnessed from 1976 to 1998.
Our analysis suggests that BOJ has been attentive to WPI, IIP, Yen-Dollar exchange rate and TOPIX when the official discount rate rises, but that it has taken into consideration IIP and Yen-Dollar exchage rate when the official discount rate falls. It is not strange that the official discount rate reduces at about June 1998.

1 はじめに

1) ル−ルと裁量
2) 日銀の政策目標
3) 本論文の目的

2 70年代半ば以降の公定歩合の動向

1) 公定歩合変更の概要
2) 最近の日銀貸出の動向

3 計量方法について

1) Frictionモデル
2) Multinomial Logitモデル

4 定式化と推計結果

1) 定式化
2) Frictionモデルによる推計結果
3) Multinomial Logitモデルによる推計結果

5 終わりに
